Managing Anxiety

Managing Anxiety During COVID 19 Pandemic.

Advice from Woking and Guildford Counselling Service Provider

Hi Everyone,

A number of our customers are talking to us about managing anxiety at the moment. In such unprecedented times its been a real test for all of us and even people who have not displayed symptoms in the past have found themselves, not surprisingly feeling anxious to the point where they display symptoms such as sleeplessness, constant restlessness, in ability to concentrate, sudden sweating, palpitations,  recurring dark or negative thoughts, to more severe symptoms such as panic attacks.

Here are My Planet Health we have put together some of tips for coping with Anxiety.

breathing techniques – such as rhythmic breathing – (breath in for the count of 6, hold for 6 out for 6) concentrating on our breathing helps us stay in the present and the rhythmic breathing generally helps steady the breath.

Another good breathing technique if feeling panicky is to breathe out for a longer time than you breathe in. So Breath in for 6 hold for 6 out for 8 (you can shorten or lengthen the counts depending on whats comfortable for you. As long as the out breath is longer than the exhale.

Another tip for anxiety is our favourite guided meditations. Look up on You Tube (Jason Stephenson or Michael Sealey or the Honest Guys offer good choices and do ones specific for Anxiety. I am finding doing these daily at the moment are helping calm my mind.

Fresh air, exercise and yoga going for a walk in the nature is great for helping us live in the moment – we recommend on your walk making sure you take the time to really notice your surrounding – the flowers, the leaves on the trees, really look and see. Otherwise we can walk and not notice anything and are still living in our minds worrying about the things we were before we left the house!

Yoga is a favourite form of exercise for many for helping calm the mind and not surprising as its focus on breathing helps us slow down and focus our thoughts on the various postures

Get enough sleep Easier said than done i know but its a proven fact that rest is good for our minds so if we are struggling at the moment with our mind heath this is one of the best things we can do to help ourselves if our body allows. If you are having trouble sleeping still sticking to a routine and getting as much rest as possible is better than overdoing things.

We would also like to recommend that you talk to one of our counsellors here at My Planet Health so feel free to reach out@ we are now offerring webcam Zoom sessions

Also if you are interested in NLP and hypnosis please check out one of our favourites  the which we often recommend to our clients.

stay safe everyone

Best Wishes

from the team at My Planet Health